Executive Directors

Chief Executive Officer – Randy E. Johnson
Mr. Johnson joined MCHD in March 2012. During his time at MCHD, the organization has focused on streamlining its services to the community. The EMS service has continued to focus on response times, clinical expertise and customer service. Additionally, MCHD has worked with the 13 Montgomery county-area first-responder agencies to ensure a seamless, coordinated partnership responding to all 66,000 9-1-1 calls it receives each year. This focus helped MCHD achieve the “EMS Provider of the Year”…
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Chief Financial Officer – Brett Allen
Mr. Allen joined the District in May 2011 from US Oncology, where he worked with physician practice, claims and electronic medical records. Mr. Allen’s experience also includes working with the Memorial Hermann Healthcare System, CHRISTUS Health, engineering and contracting firm, and Shell Oil…
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Chief Operating Officer – Melissa Miller
Ms. Miller joined the District in 2013 as the Chief Operations Officer. In her role, she provides strategic leadership and direction for operating units for Indigent Care, Information Systems, Facilities, Materials Management, Radio/Tower, Community Paramedicine and Public Health. Ms. Miller is also responsible for developing and implementing training programs and leads the performance management process that measures and evaluates progress against goals for the organization…
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Chief of EMS – James Campbell
Chief Campbell joined MCHD in June of 2018 from the City of Celina Fire Department, where he served as the EMS Captain for four years. He helped to develop an EMS system in one of the fastest-growing cities in the DFW Metro area. In May of 2018, he received the City of Celina Employee of the Year Award for his efforts and contributions to the community. He began his EMS and Fire career in 2002 in Fayetteville, North Carolina…
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