January 30, 2025

For Immediate RELEASE
For more information, please contact:
Misti Willingham, Public Information Officer
C: 936.537.0611
CONROE, TEXAS – Robert Leicher is not a man who enjoys being the center of attention. However, something miraculous happened to him last September that put him in the limelight this week at Montgomery County Hospital District. Just minutes after suffering cardiac arrest, going unconscious, not being able to breathe – he was talking again. This is all thanks to a man he barely knew and the skilled work of a group of paramedics and firefighters.
When Mr. Leicher collapsed, a fellow worker on the site, Nilser Castro Hernandez, jumped into action. As MCHD Call Taker Garett Larson gave CPR instructions to another bystander, Nilser followed them. He did such a thorough job, so quickly, Mr. Leicher began to move. Paramedics arrived, took over CPR and delivered two shocks from a cardiac monitor, inserted a breathing tube and gave medications to put his heart back in a normal rhythm. By the time they began transport to the hospital, Mr. Leicher was up and talking normally.
This week, Mr. Leicher and Mr. Hernandez reunited with the crews. Mr. Leicher thanked them for their skilled hands that day as Mr. Hernandez, along with the paramedics and firefighters, was awarded a Life Saver Award for providing bystander CPR.
“I cannot express the importance of bystander CPR in cases like these, “ said Chief Kevin Crocker, MCHD Division Chief of Quality. “Every minute that goes by without CPR means vital organs, like your brain, are not getting the oxygen needed for meaningful survival. Mr. Hernandez getting to you so quickly with chest compressions is one of the main reasons you’re here with us today.”
For paramedics, having such an amazing outcome in a case like this is rare.
“This is a call that will hang with me the rest of my life and will always mean something to me,” said Marissa Aiello, MCHD In-Charge Paramedic. “It is such an absolute honor to be able to meet you today.”
MCHD would like to thank all of the first responders involved in Mr. Leicher’s care:
Bystander & Life Saver – Nilser Castro Hernandez
MCHD Paramedics
District Chief Scott Sanders
In-Charge Paramedic Marissa Aiello
In-Charge Paramedic Ausstina Lapinskie
Attendant Paramedic Ronald Martinez
MCHD 911 Dispatch Center
ALARM Call Taker Garett Larson
The Woodlands Fire Department
LT Mike Helmcamp
DO Troy Coleman
FF Brice Palmer
FF Justin Palmer
Montgomery County Hospital District’s mission is to care for the indigent and provide EMS services while protecting the interest of taxpayers and ensuring long-term stability through fund development.